Numerical Methods and Programming focuses on acquiring diverse programming techniques to solve numerical based engineering problems. These problems include integration, roots of equations, and first order initial value differential equations. All of these numerical problems will be programmed, debugged, and executed using Python.
- معلم: abdelhak bendjeffal
Organic chemistry is the study of the chemistry of carbon compounds
This course is intended to students of the second-year license (L2) of Chemistry Materials Science (SM), is divided into five chapters and will allow students to acquire the basic concepts of organic chemistry.
In the first part of the course, important fundamental topics, such as bonding theory, hybridization, the main classes of functional groups and the organic nomenclature, will be discussed. The second part of the course will be essentially devoted to the study of stereoisomerism through the three-dimensional structures of organic molecules.
Subsequently, the course continues with an introduction into reactivity of organic molecules as well as the electronic effects Focus, will be on a selection of fundamental organic reactions, which form the basis for a wide array of other organic reactions.
- معلم: meriem bedreddine
C’est un module qui traite les liaisons chimiques et les complexes métalliques.
- معلم: amira saiad
L’analyse numérique est une branche des mathématiques appliquées qui s’intéresse au développement des méthodes numériques pour le calcul d’approximations des solutions des problèmes mathématique qu’il serait difficile, voire impossible, d’obtenir analytiquement. L'objectif de ce cours est de former l'apprenant aux techniques de méthodes numériques de base afin de le rendre apte à choisir un algorithme adapté à un problème donné et à le mettre en œuvre en réalisant un programme en langage Python.
- معلم: abdelhak bendjeffal